Drawing a Straight Line

” I never HAVE been able to draw a straight line!” you groan.

“Sure you can!” I reply. “It’s really not as hard as you think. Go get a pencil and a piece of paper” 

The Line Trick

“Most of us, when we first try to draw a straight line, don’t stop to think about where it is going. However, it has to end up somewhere, right? If we just shoot our line off into space without a destination, chances are it will travel into infinity and beyond. That is why your line must have a destination,… unless you are doodling or are Kandinsky.”

“Who’s Kandinsky?”

“Someone whose paintings look like giant doodles. Now, do you have your pencil ready?


“Put the point of your pencil anywhere on the paper. That will be your starting point.”


“First you are going to decide EXACTLY where you want your line to end up (preferably still on the paper.”)

“Got it”

“Now you are going to pretend that your pencil is a car and you are going to drive (draw) it straight to its destination.”

“Are there any stop signs?


“Traffic lights?”


“School Buses?”


“Construction and alternate routes?”

“No. Just keep your eye on the destination as you drive, I mean draw!

“Okay. Here goes…

“Well, did you get there?”

“I sure did! It’s a bit squiggly but that’s when I was texting…and there’s a dip at the end where the patrol car stopped me. But that’s all.”

“Next time, don’t text. Okay?”

“If you say so.”

A Word to the Wise

As creatives, it’s important to have destinations (or goals). In life, lines are never straight. There are stop signs, traffic lights, and alternate routes. Even Siri gets confused and makes mistakes. So “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t depend on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”  It’s important to consult with the Lord about His purpose and timing before rushing out there. Once we have done that we can go forward with confidence!

By Sherilyn Rivera

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